
OMFA Fanfiction chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The journey begins and first contact with Logan pack



The next morning, when Hillio just finished to take his breakfast, he saw Wolpy and Landsoul, one snuggled with the other, smiling like angels, coming back from their night.

"Hi you lovebirds!" He waved to them.

"Oh hey! Good morning Hillio!" Wolpy and Landsoul replied in unison.

Hillio joined them.

"So, what are you going to do today?" He asked then.

"Today, we go on a trip!" Wolpy answered him.

"What? You're gonna leave us?" Hillio asked surprised.

"Yes, this morning! We will say goodbye to the pack and we will leave for adventure!" Landsoul answered happily.

"But ... Where do you plan to go?" He asked.

"We will first visit Logan pack. I have some business to take care there. And then, we will go to Gangvar, the pack where I lived my youth. I'd like to introduce  my beautiful mate to my family." Wolpy said, rubbing his muzzle under Landsoul's chin.

"Wow! And you'll be gone for long?" Hillio asked again.

"Well, I hope we will be back here before the next winter." Wolpy explained.

"It makes me want to travel too!" Hillio said cheerfully. "Tell me, can I come with you? I have absolutely nothing to do here, and I'm terribly bored."

The two lovers looked at each other, and then looked back Hillio.

"Pleaaase." He said with a puppy look on his face.

"Well, I see no objection." Landsoul said.

"Me neither." Wolpy added.

"Great!" Hillio said, jumping in joy.

"Now, we must know if Alphy will agree to let you go too." Wolpy said.

"Let's go ask him!" Hillio said overjoyed.

Then the three wolves went on their way for Alphy's den.



"So it's sure? You want to leave today?" Alphy asked for the third time.

"Yes dad, we want to leave today. Stop worrying for us, everything will be alright." Landsoul answered him.

"Don't worry Alphy, you trained us well. We know how to hunt and fend for ourselves. And we will be very careful when we'll reach the different packs." Wolpy added.

"Okay, you can leave. But I want you to promise me few things." Alphy said. "Hillio, I want you to watch over my daughter and my son in law. I know you're a better fighter than Wolpy and Landsoul, and you're a wolf of confidence."

"I will watch over them until I die! I promise you Alphy!" Hillio said proudly.

"And you Wolpy, I want you to take care of my daughter. She is everything I have after Snow."

"This is something I've already promised you, Alphy. I'll take good care of your daughter for the rest of my life." Wolpy replied.

"And you Landsoul." Alphy approached her. "Be careful. Do what Hillio and Wolpy say and don't take any unnecessary risks, understood?"

"I understand Dad. I love you." She replied, rubbing her head under his chin.

At that moment, Alphy felt a tingling feeling in his nose. He already felt this feeling in his life, but he couldn't remember where or when he already felt it.

"When do you leave?" He asked.

"Now." Wolpy replied.

"Okay then, I'll call the others to let them come tell goodbye."

Half a hour later, when the three wolves finally finished saying goodbye to the other wolves of the pack, Zara hugging both Wolpy and Landsoul and crying three times, the three wolves finally went on their road.



The three wolves traveled a whole week. They hadn't much difficulty for hunting, the season was more than good for traveling. On the eighth day Wolpy began to recognize the landscape.

"I think we reach Logan territory."

He started to sniff around him.

"Yep, we're here."

"We signal our presence?" Hillio asked.

"We are in the territory of a pack who wanted me dead. I think it would be wiser to wait to meet one member of the pack to explain what we do here." Wolpy said.

"I follow Wolpy this time." Landsoul said.

"Hillio, go hide in this tree above us." Wolpy ordered.

"Right away Wolpy." Hillio replied.

"Okay, now we only have to wait for one of their guardians to see us."

"I'm a little afraid Wolpy." Landsoul said.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you no matter what happen." He replied, licking her nose.

"I am afraid for you, I don't want to lose you."

"You will not lose me. I promise you."

"I will be more than unhappy if I lose you."

"That will not happen. Hey, Landsoul, look at me. We are Alphas! Our pack is the best that can exist in the world. And today we will prove it to another pack." Wolpy said.

"You're right." Landsoul replied, nuzzling him. "I trust you."

Suddenly a loud growl sounded from a hill in front of them.

"A wolf approach." Hillio whispered.

The two young wolves looked towards the hill. A big and strong gray wolf suddenly appeared and walked toward them.

"Wolpy! What a nice surprise! I thought you were dead! I never thought you'd dare to come back here!"

"Bryte!" Wolpy said starting to growl. "Stay behind me Landsoul."

"I see you found yourself a new partner to steal food from others! Too bad, today you will really die!"

Bryte started running towards Wolpy. Wolpy waited, growling louder than he ever growled in his whole life. Bryte was almost on him when suddenly a body fell on him and immobilized him.

"Good jump Hillio." Wolpy said. Then he looked Bryte. "But you don't even struggle?"

Bryte muttered something.

"Hillio, let him breathe." Wolpy said.

"Are you sure Wolpy?" Hillio asked.

"I control the situation, don't worry."

Hillio released Bryte and came to stand next Wolpy. Bryte stood up coughing.

"You don't look well Bryte. But what happened to you?"

"You worry about me now?" Bryte replied growling.

"I'm not back to fight you or to steal your food again. I come to apologize to your pack, and pay my debt to you."

"Super! I'm glad for you!" Bryte replied without any interest.

"I thought you'd appreciate this act."

Bryte sighed.

"What's happening Bryte? The last time we saw each other, the only idea you had in mind was to kill me. And now that I'm back here, you don't look interested in that anymore." Wolpy said.

"Is she your mate?" Bryte asked pointing to Landsoul.

"Yes, I'm his mate, and we are the happiest couple in the world." Landsoul said.

"You're very lucky." Bryte said.

"Why do you say that, you have Racher, right?" Wolpy said.

"Racher left me."

"WHAT?! But how is this possible? You formed a so great couple!" Wolpy exclaimed, shocked by the new.

"I'd rather not talk about it." Bryte said, looking at the ground.

"... Alright Bryte." Wolpy said. "Well, now can you lead us to your alphas, without us being hurt? I must apology to them."

"It'll be difficult." Bryte said.

"Bryte, I must inform you that I am an alpha."

Bryte turned around surprised by what he just heard.

"And as an alpha who comes to pay his debts to your pack without any bad intentions, your alphas are forced to receive me. Oh, and for information, all of us are alphas."

"I knew it! I was sure that I already saw this wolf somewhere!" Bryte said pointing Hillio. "And I was sure that old man didn't killed you."

"This old man whom you speak about is the father of my mate. So show a little more respect!" Wolpy growled.

Bryte said nothing more and led them to the center of the territory.



"Sir Uliar, Lady Gracier!"

"What do you want Bryte?!" Gracier asked, coming out of the alphas den, moody as usual.

"We have the visit of three alphas!" He replied.

"Where are they?" She asked worried.

"They will arrive as soon as I tell them they have nothing to fear by coming here."

"There is absolutely nothing to worry about here." Uliar said, waking up.

"This is... they are quite special." Bryte said.

The two alphas looked at each other surprised and asked Bryte:

"What do they have of special?"

Bryte swallowed before speaking.

"This is Wolpy with his mate and another wolf, he comes supposedly to apologize to our pack."


"Gracier, calm down! Bryte, Wolpy is supposed to be dead." Uliar said.

"And he is also supposed to be only an omega. But, he is now an alpha, he speaks like an alpha and gives orders like an alpha." Bryte said. "The pack which assured us of his death lied to us."

"Based on our code, we are forced to receive alphas, enemies or not, in a peaceful way. In their case, Wolpy apparently comes back to make apologies. I'm curious to see how he will do that. Let him come and let's see how this young one manages himself as an alpha." Uliar said.

"BUT WHAT HE DID?!" Gracier shouted again.

"What he did is unforgivable, I know. But we must give him a chance to show us he is really sorry or not." Uliar replied.



Gracier ruminated some insults under her breath.

"Well, Bryte, let them come. And you Gracier, go get Racher." Uliar ordered.

A few minutes later, Wolpy, Landsoul and Hillio arrived in front of the alpha's rock upon which Uliar was standing on.

"Hi Wolpy, it's been long time. I didn't know that ghosts resurrected." Uliar said.

"I also missed you Uliar. More than my father anyway."

Uliar laughed at that.

"Hahahaha! This kid know how to put me in a good mood! Hahaha!"

"Where is Gracier? I thought she would be there to strangle me." Wolpy asked.

"She's gone get Racher. I calmed her down a bit, but I warn you anyway to not make too sudden moves in front of her."

Gracier and her daughter Racher finally arrived some seconds later. Jinny , Northwind, Silvercloud and Amaranth were following them. When she saw Wolpy, Racher was shocked. She suddenly felt furious and shouted:


"RACHER! Calm down darling!" Bryte said approaching her.

"SHUT UP BRYTE!" She snarled. "And you Wolpy, I want back what you've taken from me!"

"I'll give you back what I took from you, I promise you Racher. Meanwhile, I want to apologize to you for stealing this caribou, and also to not have helped you that night when your paw was stuck on the bridge. I regret all my actions and I will do everything to prove you that I really changed." Wolpy said.

Racher was left surprised, mouth wide open, unable to believe her ears. Wolpy, Landsoul and Hillio began to leave, and Wolpy turned around one last time to add:

"I'll personally bring you a caribou freshly captured in the next two days." And he disappeared.

The whole pack was surprised. Amaranth then said:

"The Great Spirits are on his side!"



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